Dog Grooming

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Up to date vaccinations or titer antibody test results are required for all dog clients. Please bring veterinary records for rabies, bordetella (kennel cough), and DHLPP (distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza) vaccines. This is not only for the protection of your pets, but for all of my clients and myself.

  • Once a puppy is old enough to have all of their vaccines they're ready to go to the groomer. That is usually when a puppy is three to four months old. This is also when a puppy is very trusting and it will be much easier to introduce them to the grooming process and avoid any fear in the future.

  • Most likely they will not receive a full haircut their first visit. There is a lot for a puppy to take in at their first grooming appointment! Usually a bath, nail trim, brush out, and face/feet/fanny trim. I will always work at your pup's pace.

  • Every three to six weeks is ideal. This depends on how fast your dog's nails grow, and how much they wear their nails down through daily activity. Regular nail trims ensure your pup will have proper toe and feet form.

  • Of course! I have gentle and hypoallergenic shampoos and conditioners that will leave your pup clean and soft without causing a reaction. We will talk in detail before your dog's groom about any other precautions that should be taken.

  • This treatment is intended to reduce shedding 60%-80%. It starts with brushing out the coat before the bath with deshedding tools. During the bath special conditioners are used and even more brushing in the tub! After the bath I brush out your pup again before drying them. Then, after they're fully dry, I will brush them one last time to get out as much dead coat as possible. This always leaves an exceptional amount of fur in the spa that would have been all over your house!

  • I will take all precautions and do everything I can to ensure a calm experience for your dog. However, some dogs have had poor experiences before, or just no experience with groom and they can be nervous or even aggressive. I have a background in training and behavior and will work with your dog to overcome their fear. I will communicate closely with you about your pup's behavior and how we can work together to make grooming the best experience it can be for them!

  • You're more than welcome to stay for their grooming appointment. I have seating in the spa for that very reason. All I ask is that you keep a positive attitude to help give your dog confidence about the grooming process.

    Not all dogs will settle if their people are present. For this reason it may not be safe for you to stay, but this will be discussed on a case by case basis.

  • Grooming times vary from one hour to four hours depending on your dog's size, condition of their coat, your desired results, and your pup's level of cooperation. We will discuss timing when you bring your pup into the spa so you'll have a good idea of how long they'll need.

If your dog has matting you are not alone. This usually happens because the pet has not been properly brushed and combed between grooming appointments for any number of reasons. I am happy to help you setup and maintain a home grooming routine with your pet in between grooms at the spa. A couple of tangles is not matting and can be easily brushed or thinned out, however actual matting must be carefully removed to avoid pain or injury to your pet.

Dematting Fee $1/minute

When your pet is very matted they actually receive two haircuts and two baths. The first cut is an often time consuming rough cut to safely remove the matting so they can receive a proper bath, and the second haircut is to actually even out and style the coat. The first bath removes all the grease and dander that was stuck under the matting, and the second bath is the normal bath and conditioning. Cutting through matted fur wears out grooming tools requiring them to be replaced more often. I’m not here to judge any pet parent and will work with you to get things back on track. I’m here to help.

Why is there a dematting fee?